Watch: How to drive supply chain innovation

Supply Chain Innovation.001

Innovation is key to driving automotive supply chains and logistics forward, whether it be adapting existing processes, developing new ideas or implementing new technology. In this unique exchange at Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, supply chain strategist Wolfang Lehmacher and INEOS Automotive’s Marko Weisshaar share their vision for innovation and creativity in automotive logistics.

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Through this highly interactive session full of audience polls and live Q&A, compare how your company is managing innovation and transformation in logistics with a panel of leading automotive supply chain decision makers and disruptors.


Marko Weisshaar, head of supply chain management, INEOS Automotive 

Wolfgang Lehmacher, supply chain and technology strategist 

Moderated by Richard Logan, event and content producer, Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

This session was held on September 15th during the Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live virtual conference. Click here to view all videos from the conference on demand.

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