Watch: Ensuring finished vehicle logistics keeps pace with demand

Howard Chang Porsche North America, Brian Hook ICL Systems, Patrick McGinn Glovis America

Senior managers from Porsche, Glovis and ICL Systems talk about how they have been keeping dealer lots stocked as consumer demand has returned since the end of stay-at-home orders across America.

Consumer demand for new vehicles has remained strong since the stay-at-home orders across America were lifted, causing OEMs to race to fill empty dealer lots nationwide. With every sale crucial to making up lost revenue, it is critical that the finished vehicle networks are streamlined, minimise damage and delays whilst balancing costs with the need for fast nationwide coverage.


Howard Chang, Senior Manager, North American Vehicle Logistics and Port Operations at Porsche Cars North America
Brian Hook, Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Products at ICL Systems
Patrick McGinn, Business Development Manager at Glovis America

Moderated by Richard Logan, Event and Content Producer at Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

This session was held on February 3rd during the Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain North America Live virtual conference. 

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