The need for improved efficiency and cost saving across the supply chain has never been greater with OEMs and tier suppliers under increased pressure and scrutiny to deliver more for less. This panel explores the latest supply chain technology making this possible, future proofing processes and systems and crucially, discussing how the right technology and strategy will also drive operational excellence.


Adam Pieniazek, Senior Manager Logistics North America at Magna Powertrain
August Drake, Director of Application Engineering at Seegrid
Amlan Bose, VP - Global Business Applications & Digital Transformation, Lead Logistics at DSV

Moderated by Neemish Ladwa, Conference and Broadcast Director at Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

This session was held on February 2nd during the Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain North America Live virtual conference. Click here to view all videos from the event on demand.

Watch more on-demand videos and content from the Automotive Logistics Spotlight series.