Local battery production promises to re-industrialise Europe


Localising lithium-ion battery production in Europe through greater vertical integration does not just promise a more secure battery supply chain. It could play a major role in the industrial salvation of a market that has lost its competitive footing against stronger Asian rivals in the race to a more sustainable future of mobility. What is needed to make good on that promise is strong collaboration amongst the companies involved in securing the future of electric vehicle production.

Speaking at the most recent panel discussion hosted by Elite Experts Conferences on the subject of battery manufacturing in Europe, Yann Vincent, CEO of Automotive Cells Company (ACC), said that the coincidence of the Covid pandemic and the burgeoning of electric vehicle (EV) production presented an opportunity for European battery suppliers.  

He explained that the Covid pandemic had made it very difficult to trade with certain countries, including China. However, that interruption to trade provided the grounds for establishing a more robust local foothold for battery production in Europe in collaboration with some of the region’s strongest car manufacturers.


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