Chips will require changes to the just-in-time model

NXP Chip brain

The bottlenecks for semiconductors have caused delays for many car manufacturers, highlighting how supply chains in the tech industry are not always easily compatible with those in automotive. Fabian Pertschy spoke to Lars Reger, chief technology officer (CTO) at semiconductor maker NXP, about the importance of components in today’s vehicles and what long-term effects the current semiconductor crisis may have

You have been the CTO at NXP since 2012. How has your job changed in recent years?

The job changed even before I was Group CTO, when I was still Automotive CTO. This change came with the merger with Freescale in December 2015 [Freescale Semiconductor was originally a Motorola spinoff that NXP bought from Blackstone Group for $12 billion]. When I started at NXP 12 years ago we were a component supplier. We went to customers with data sheets and we presented our products.

As a result of the merger with Freescale, the microprocessor portfolio was added to our competences and we suddenly had a very broad, almost complete portfolio for nearly all smart connected devices – from smart watches to connected cars.


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