Watch: Reducing time to market at the touch of a button

Vivek Sinha, Sphere; Hamed Bazaz, Seoul Robotics; Ed Jones, DeGould; Richard Logan

Technology startups Seoul Robotics, Sphere and Degould share new possibilities for improving quality, increasing efficiency and speed across vehicle logistics.

As customers wait longer for the vehicles they want, reducing time-to-market across the supply chain has become a major priority, leaving little room for error or delay across the network. In this video, hear from technology leaders on the latest visibility tools, robotics, automated asset tracking, AI and digital vehicle passports available to speed up vehicle distribution.

Hamed Bazaz, Director of Business Development, Seoul Robotics
Ed Jones, Chief Commercial Officer, DeGould
Vivek Sinha, Managing Partner, Sphere

Richard Logan, Senior Content Producer, Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

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