Damage prevention_Trinity, Horizon, ABI Tape

left to right: Jorge Dominguez, Horizon Auto Logistics; Rocky Loessin, TrinityRail; Sam Veitz, ABI Tape; Christopher Ludwig, Automotive Logistics

From digital systems to track damage and claims, to data-driven insurance, OEMs and vehicle providers have new technology and processes to reduce costs and time lost from damage. In this session, logistics quality and damage prevention specialists share innovations in products and processes across transport modes in North America – and explain why sustainability has a significant role to play in vehicle quality and damage prevention.


Rocky Loessin Vice-President of Sales at TrinityRail

Sam Veitz Director of Automotive at ABI Tape

Jorge Dominguez Head of Quality & Compliance at Horizon Auto Logistics

Moderated by Neemish Ladwa, Head of Product and Marketing at Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

This session was held on June 22 during the Finished Vehicle Logistics North America 2021 Live virtual conference.

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