Low vehicle inventory makes outbound visibility more important than ever


It seems that almost every car sold through a US dealership at the moment is already spoken for before it arrives on the lot, which makes accurate delivery forecasts more important than ever

The record-low inventory at US dealerships caused by production shortfalls as a consequence of the semiconductor shortage has refocused the importance of outbound visibility tools to the dealership network, according to speakers at last week’s Finished Vehicle Logistics North America conference, held in California.

Dealers are more intent than ever on learning exactly where the vehicles they are selling are in the outbound supply chain.

“Our dealers are signed so deep into the pipeline, much more than they have been before,” said Sara Nader, Chevrolet field marketing manager for GM. “So, more than ever, they are very sensitive about where that vehicle is and when it is going to arrive because they are using that to set customer expectation. If we get that wrong the customer is acutely aware of the vehicle being late and they want to know why.”

Brand loyalty is as important as its ever been but Nader said that the ordering and allocation process was now much more critical. While in the past missing an allocation was painful, it was now almost fatal.


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