Ford of Europe: A system of strength and complexity

Dirk Willmann

Dirk Willmann’s 25-year career with Ford has made him witness to the changing arc of the company’s supply chain in Europe and further afield, including more complicated material flows, new locations and footprint changes, as well as advances in technology.

As a member of the material planning and logistics (MP&L) department since 2000, Willmann has seen the development of skills and competencies for supply chain managers rise considerably. Those in MP&L today need to be far more adept at managing long pipelines of inventory, navigating complex customs issues and anticipating manufacturing constraints or disruption. Often, they must also be more comfortable working with new IT, as well as with many different cultures and languages.

Willmann’s current role as director of MP&L for Europe, which he has held since 2015, also differs in several ways to that of his predecessors 20 years ago. For example, his responsibility includes not only the full scope of logistics and production planning across Europe, but also leading logistics processes and sharing responsibilities for operations in the Middle East and Africa, and Ford’s joint ventures in Turkey and Russia. Willmann also participates in an integrated global MP&L team and cross-functional management groups for manufacturing, purchasing and sales.


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