Safe and secure: How new warehouses will support African supply chains

ALP, Ghana

Operating in Africa can be a big challenge, and the establishment of a new supply chain there even more so. The acquisition or construction of decent storage facilities, the recruitment of suitable staff and the need to contend with local laws are all potential barriers to setting up business. However, Agility Africa, aims to change this by providing a series of well-managed logistics facilities across the continent.

Geoffrey White, CEO of Agility Africa, told Automotive Logistics that the company has a “build it and they will come” strategy regarding setting up warehouses in key ports on the continent. “There is a risk perception regarding Africa that is incredibly high,” he says. “This is a big disincentive for a lot of people to come.”

Agility’s new African logistics parks are intended to provide importers, exporters and manufacturers with space that overcomes the lack of safe and efficient warehousing. They will do so by installing infrastructure such as water, electricity, internet, security and maintaining facilities management at global standards. In implementing this strategy, the company is committing itself to major investments: at least $200m on each park. These will start with a first phase covering around 25,000 sq.m, with additional space of similar size added as demand grows.


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