Tier suppliers – Page 21

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    USMCA will go ahead in July but automotive approval could take 18 months


    The new free trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico automotive sector will not have full consensus from the automotive industry by July 1 according to Al Zapanta, CEO, US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, because agreement on labour and vehicle content still need approval

  • Rostec_AvtoVaz

    Russia spending billions to bolster car market


    The Russian government has said it will spend Rub20 billion ($240m) to support vehicle purchases across the country this year. The bailout package is focused on providing soft loans by state-owned banks for Russian citizens willing to purchase new vehicles by the end of 2020.

  • Battery pack picture

    A vantage point on power supply


    As part of Allison Transmission, UK battery manufacturer Vantage Power has a particular focus on battery technology development, including for electric hybrid propulsion, and is competing strongly on performance in the commercial vehicle sector

  • amte-giga-factory

    Powerful alternatives for the automotive sector


    Battery manufacturer AMTE Power acquired AGM Batteries in 2013 to advance its development and provision of battery cell technology for specialist applications in the automotive sector looking for premium performance. Daniel Harrison talks to the company’s director Kevin Brundish

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    Coronavirus policy complicates Mexican automotive recovery


    After significant declines in production and sales through March and April this year, Mexico is restarting its automotive manufacturing, but the country’s states are setting different rules regarding ramp up, which is restricting the movement of parts across borders. What could further complicate the situation in the near-term is the US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement (USMCA), which comes into effect on July 1, enforcing complex changes in trade, parts sourcing and labour rules.

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    Inaccurate EDI call-offs a risk for tier suppliers


     The majority of OEMs will return to some level of production this month as pandemic-enforced lockdowns are eased, but there is concern about whether their schedules match customer demand and how this is being communicated to tier suppliers. .. 

  • Livestream Hour_TS_after event

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 4 – Tier Suppliers on the Road to Recovery


    Hosted by Christopher Ludwig, Editor-in-Chief at Ultima Media, the Livestream Hour will take place each week on Wednesdays. It will also be part of other Livestream special episodes and guests, including previews and follow-ups from our series of live and digital events for Automotive Logistics, Automotive Manufacturing Solutions and Car Design News. In Episode 4, we discuss the key areas that suppliers especially need to consider as the automotive industry stirs back into action, including supply chain and logistics processes, sourcing considerations, digital tools and collaboration. 

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    Coronavirus pandemic could force supplier consolidation


    The Covid-19 pandemic will exact a heavy toll on automotive manufacturers and suppliers, who will face mounting financial losses and growing debt. Some may not survive, at least in their current form or without further government bailouts. Such financial fallout, and the need for companies to reduce costs and consolidate investments, could prompt more consolidation at all levels of the automotive industry in the coming years.

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    Start-stop production part of the new normal for OEMs


    Carmakers are potentially hostage to a halting series of restarts as the automotive industry tries to gradually restart production across Europe in regions seeing a lowering of coronavirus infections. During last week’s Livestream event from Ultima Media Matteo Fini, executive director, automotive supply chain and technology, at market analyst IHS Markit said start and stop operations, such as Kia has recently experienced, are definitely part of the new normal

  • Assembly at Ford Chennai

    Decisive action needed for realignment of India’s supply chain


    There are opportunities to be had for automotive companies that survive the coronavirus pandemic. However, those companies need to take decisive action on restarting, reshaping and reimagining a supply chain that will change quite significantly and is likely to be characterised by greater localisation…

  • BIWebinar_April_600x400-01

    Watch: Livestream Coronavirus Series – Automotive Supply Chain April Update


    Part of our ongoing Livestream series, the monthly supply chain update provides insight on what the coronavirus crisis will mean for automotive manufacturing and logistics. In this episode, hear from Matteo Fini from IHS Markit; Fathi Tlatli from DHL together with host Christopher Ludwig.

  • Joanne Perry

    Comment: Crisis leads to change


    In ordinary times, when we talk about something being viral we normally mean social media – a wildly popular video of someone falling over, or perhaps a puppy montage. In the extraordinary times that we now find ourselves, the meaning of the word has reverted back to being deadly serious. The emergence of Covid-19 (coronavirus) this year has ravaged the global population, sent entire nations into lockdown and brought business virtually to a standstill.

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    Marelli and BMW light the way with blockchain


    Marelli Automotive Lighting is working with the BMW Group on the introduction of blockchain technology to connect suppliers’ and carmakers’ plants to improve the management of automotive supply chains. Together, the companies have designed and developed the PartChain application, which is being used initially as a pilot focused on the traceability of headlamps, rear lamps and lighting modules supplied by Marelli Automotive Lighting to a number of BMW Group vehicles

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    VW and Faurecia collaborate to combat coronavirus


    In the latest example of how car manufacturers and their suppliers are turning their operations over to fight the coronavirus pandemic,Volkswagen is collaborating with Faurecia to produce medical gowns and facemasks at the latter’s Puebla facility in Mexico…

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    Next step into the unprecedented


    The disruption to the global automotive supply chain caused by the coronavirus pandemic is being exacerbated by uncertainty fed by a lack of accurate information. At last week’s Automotive Supply Chain update webinar, presented by Ultima Media’s business intelligence unit, analysts tried to provide some clarity on the current situation and what lay ahead for the industry

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    Watch: Livestream | The Coronavirus Series – Automotive Supply Chain March Update


    Presented by Automotive from Ultima Media, hear from our analysts as they share insight on how the coronavirus crisis will impact global vehicle sales and what it will mean for automotive manufacturing and logistics.

  • Auto plant closures

    Calling stop on automotive supply chains: how long can companies survive the Covid-19 crisis?


    With the coronavirus pandemic causing a level of automotive plant shutdowns not seen since the second world war, suppliers and logistics providers will face failures without direct support from government, and close collaboration with OEMs and industry.

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    Russian car industry caught between coronavirus and currency fluctuations


    Automotive plants in Russia are reported to be running out of components as supply shortages caused by the coronavirus continue out of China and South Korea, and disruption spreads across Europe. At the same time the Russian ruble has hit a four-year low against the US dollar, which is taking its toll on production costs

  • USMCA flags

    Presentation by Jesús Seade Kuri, Federal Government of Mexico


    Jesús Seade Kuri, who serves as Undersecretary for North America at Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has played a major role in negotiations for the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal which is due to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta). Here is the update he provided at the ...

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    Coronavirus latest: mandated lockdowns in Italy are impacting automotive output


    The sharp increase in the number of coronavirus cases in Italy has led the government to extend strict quarantine measures to the whole country. The restrictions are the toughest outside of China and affect 60m people. Health and safety measures being taken by OEMs are now affecting production with FCA announcing temporary closures as it puts in measures to minimise the risk of contagion. The situation is changing rapidly and automotive companies across Italy are reviewing production, supply and logistics contingencies on a daily basis.