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Accelerating change: the power of process-led transformation


Tuesday, September 10

11:00 EDT| 16:00 BST | 17:00 CEST

The speedometer of change is increasing. Automotive companies need to react swiftly and flexibly, increase productivity, and embrace change — or risk being left in the dust.

The increased complexities of supply chains in an unpredictable and disruptive global economy mean that stakeholders need a new model for supply chain networks. However, current transformation efforts have to keep evolving, to not only ensure they meet the needs of the moment, but future proof the supply chains themselves.

Process-led supply chain transformation gets your supply chain working as one, by fixing the processes that make it run. Moving the dial further, process intelligence gives you a living, moving, digital twin of your business processes, end-to-end. For the first time, everyone has a common language for how your business is running, visibility into where value is hiding, and the ability to capture it.

Discussion points include:

  • How can you find and capture the value hidden in your processes?
  • How can everyone in your organisation have a common language for how your business is running?
  • How do you achieve a living, moving, digital twin of your end-to-end business processes?
  • How can you deliver millions of dollars’ worth of savings and benefits?
  • How can you maximise your organisation’s top line, bottom line and green line?




Julian Thomßen

Global Automotive & Manufacturing Industry Lead




As an Industry Lead at Celonis, Julian is responsible for customer communities, and industry-specific initiatives & use cases in automotive and manufacturing. Julian looks back on 5 years at Celonis which he spent mostly around customer-facing roles in value engineering and account management, serving Celonis’ biggest customers in automotive & manufacturing. Julian holds degrees in industrial engineering with a manufacturing focus from technical universities Darmstadt & Munich. 

Hosted in partnership with Celonis


Since 2011, Celonis has helped thousands of the world’s largest and most esteemed companies yield immediate cash impact, radically improve customer experience, and reduce carbon emissions.

Its Process Intelligence platform uses industry-leading process mining technology and AI to present companies with a living digital twin of their end-to-end processes. For the first time, everyone in an organization has a common language for how the business runs, visibility into where value is hiding, and the ability to capture it. Celonis is headquartered in Munich, Germany and New York City, USA with more than 20 offices worldwide.

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