Watch: Setting a new standard for vehicle logistics communication

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An industry-wide initiative in Europe aims to set a standard for digital communication across all outbound delivery processes from factory to dealer. In this excluive panel at Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, leaders from key stakeholders explain the systems and benefits, including from Renault Nissan Mitsubishi, ECG, Odette and VDA.

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Over the last two years leading players in the European automotive industry have been collaborating on a standard for digital messaging that covers outbound logistics processes from the factory to the dealership. The project has involved around 30 organisations, including carmakers, logistics providers, software companies, shortsea car carrier lines and terminal operators.

Some of the principal drivers and stakeholders of the project shared their experience and insights during Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live.


Hervé Moulin, Alliance project leader, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance

Mike Sturgeon, executive director, ECG (Association of European Vehicle Logistics)

Robert Cameron, chairman of Odette International and head of the VDA production and logistics department, Odette International and VDA

Moderated by Neemish Ladwa, conference and broadcast director, Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media.

This session was held on September 15th during the Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live virtual conference. Click here to view all videos from the conference on demand.

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