Carmakers meet US secretary of commerce to solve semiconductor shortage

Microchip chip semiconductor

US secretary of commerce, Gina Raimondo, has met with senior executives in the semiconductor supply chain, including carmakers Ford, GM and Stellantis, to find ways out of current shortage in the supply of the electronic components.

Following the latest meeting, held last Thursday (May 20), Raimondo said: “Semiconductors play a unique role in our economic and national security, and when semiconductor supply chains are disrupted, the impact is felt across the economy. Addressing the semiconductor shortage and strengthening the domestic supply chain is a priority of mine and for the Biden-Harris Administration.”

The meeting follows the signing by US president Biden of an executive order designed the fortify US supply chains, including those supporting the production of semiconductors and EV batteries. The order set up a 100-day review of four products – semiconductors, key minerals and materials, advanced batteries such as those used in electric vehicles, and pharmaceuticals. The review involves ongoing discussions between government and industry designed to address the semiconductor shortage.


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