Martin Corner moves on from Volvo to Aston Martin Lagonda

Martin Corner picture

Amidst other top executive changes at Volvo Cars, Martin Corner is leaving the company to take up a new role at Aston Martin as head of supply chain management and logistics

Corner brings a wealth of supply chain management and logistics experience to the role. Prior to Volvo Cars he worked for the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi (RNM) Alliance for more than 20 years in a variety of leadership roles. His last job at the company was as vice-president of SCM Nissan Europe and Alliance production control.

In reference to his time with Volvo Cars he said: “I’m so grateful and proud of my time… as head of Global SCM, and thanks to the full SCM team and all the great colleagues who have helped along the way. I wish Volvo Cars huge success for the future in its exciting transformation journey and expect the SCM team to go from strength to strength.”

During his time at the carmaker Corner took a central role in transforming sales and operations planning, more closely integrating purchasing, production and demand planning across Volvo’s supply chain. Corner was tasked with making SCM the link between the company’s commercial and industrial systems, as well as more comprehensively aligning the movements of inbound and service parts logistics, and finished vehicles. The carmaker has also built up a global team for supply chain logistics, including a global head of inbound and packaging, and global head of vehicle logistics (see below), with regional teams to support the global organisation.


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