Making the best of it at Mazatlán


Terminal Marítima Mazatlán (TMAZ) runs the finished vehicle terminal at the Mexican port of Mazatlán and over the last decade the company has invested $20m in infrastructure and technology to increase volumes. While Covid has hit throughput Nissan remains committed and TMAZ is gearing up for a return in trade 

Before the Covid pandemic hit global automotive shipments, the Mexican port of Mazatlán had been steadily increasing its import and export trade (see box). Having resumed finished vehicle processing in 2015, the port was closing on 82,000 vehicles handled in 2019 and it remains the second busiest vehicle port on Mexico’s Pacific coast (some way behind Lázaro Cárdenas). Carmakers use the port for short-sea vehicle shipments to the US, as well as for imports of cars and parts from Asia. The terminal operator at the port of Mazatlán is Terminal Marítima Mazatlán (TMAZ). Over the last decade the company has invested $20m in infrastructure and technology to increase volumes across the four main cargoes the port handles: containers, finished vehicles, breakbulk and bulk cargo.


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