Logistics 4.0: how smart technologies are lifting logistics to another level

VR, Seat

After a period of exploration, OEMs, tier suppliers and logistics providers are getting serious about making their operations smarter and more connected – Logistics 4.0 is here

In recent years, Logistics 4.0 technologies have emerged as increasingly important tools in the automotive logistics sector, with a growing number of OEMs, tier suppliers and logistics providers exploring the potential benefits of their deployment: improved operational efficiency, accuracy and visibility, optimised inventory management and enhanced human workforce capabilities.

Logistics 4.0 enables process improvements through a variety of technological innovations, including smart robotics, driverless transport vehicles and automated systems for handling parts inside warehouses and factories. However, as Enric Martí, logistics director at Seat, explains, Logistics 4.0 does not only consist of technology or digital applications but represents “a new way of supply chain management, where client processes and stakeholders are fully connected to each other, with the final aim of giving an answer in an agile and easy way to every new business model that appears”.


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