Q&A: Pascal Trummer, Magna International

Pascal Trummer

The tier supplier’s vice-president of sales and marketing in Europe discusses major trends in the automotive industry, plus the state of the market in Central and Eastern Europe

How has business been for Magna in the CEE region in recent years?
Magna has been successful in developing our business in the CEE region. Our plants in Poland as well as in Slovakia have been extended and a new paintshop in Slovenia has been launched recently. Actually, we have 34 plants in this region.

What are the main trends in the automotive components industry?
The automotive business is facing big challenges, starting from the move from internal combustion engine to electrification up to the business model itself shifting from ownership to more mobility services. At the top, tariff discussions [between the US and EU] are sharpening the overall market situation. All these factors lead the OEMs to improve their costs and a few OEMs are shifting production to CEE in order to leverage their costs. On the one hand, this gives new opportunities for the supplier base, however on the other hand this could bring more tension over the availability of resources as well the situation on wages.


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