
  • Fact 18,000

    Tracking made easy


    Just over 18 months after Slough, UK-based Movolytics was formed, the vehicle tracking company announced an ambitious expansion. Following its initial foray into providing fleet management services in the UK, the company decided to branch out into Europe’s second largest fleet market – Spain.

  • Abu Dhabi Ports and Autoterminal sign agreement

    Gearing up for growth


    Following two years of strong headwinds, there is now rising optimism for the UAE’s automotive sector. According to Fitch Group company BMI Research, 2018 will see a 4% growth in new vehicle sales in the UAE. Its forecast for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region is for a ...

  • Feature

    Grimaldi añade seis naves híbridas a su flota


    Shipper Grimaldi Group adquirirá seis naves ro-ro híbridas para aumentar y modernizar su flota. El pedido valorado en $400m ha sido adjudicado astillero chino Jinling.La entrega de las naves está prevista para comenzar en 2020, y tendrán capacidad para transportar 7,800 metros lineales de unidades rodantes, el equivalente a 500 ...