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  • Antwerp Euro Terminal - Port of Antwerp

    Moving with market currents


    Growing sales prompt rising shipmentsThe first half of 2017 has seen a partial recovery in deep-sea shipments of new light vehicles. Management consultancy Maritime Strategies International (MSI) estimates that global shipments will be up around 3% during the first half of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016.According to ...

  • 0R3A6723-1

    One box still does not fit all


    A look at automotive packaging developments over the past 20 years

  • Bo_shiju

    Beijing Changjiu Logistics: Independence, investment and internationalisation


    Beijing Changjiu Logistics has grown to become one of the largest third-party providers serving the automotive sector in China, both for handling parts and especially for finished vehicles, of which last year it moved 3.08m. The company began its life in 1992 as Jilin Changjiu Logistics but registered as Beijing ...