All Congo articles

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  • Mining in Kailo

    BMW supports cobalt miners in Congo


    BMW has signed up to a pilot project to improve conditions for cobalt miners, their families and neighbouring communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).With batteries in high demand given the boom in electrical vehicles, global companies such as BMW have been turning their attention to how cobalt ...

  • Ethiopia's 750km rail link

    Peacing together new logistics


    The end of a longstanding conflict in the Horn of Africa is set to create new pathways into one of the potentially richest automotive markets in the continent; after two decades, Eritrea and Ethiopia have concluded a conflict that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. The catalyst for peace ...

  • Mining in Kailo

    BMW seeks to improve transparency in battery cell supply chain


    After participating in the Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI) last year, BMW Group has taken further steps to improve transparency in its battery cell supply chain by promising to release information on smelters and countries of origin for raw materials by the end of this year.The carmaker also plans to release ...