All Fraunhofer articles

  • Audi pic compilation

    Audi’s logistics part 1: Prepared for a new reality


    The recent history of the Audi brand is written deeply into the company’s supply chain and logistics, and can be read across the carmaker’s expanding geography, plant and parts handling operations

  • Ben Stanley

    Outbound deliveries: Blocking in the truth


    Will bitcoin prove to be one of the most valuable innovations in changing the finished vehicle supply chain? If so, it is not because carmakers and logistics providers are moving their contracts from dollars, euros or yuan to the virtual currency (although given its recent escalation in value, some may ...

  • christianWill

    Looking for the human-machine touch


    Digital technology is fast changing the way vehicles are built, with labour, data and engineering management set for new levels of automation, according to experts speaking at the recent automotiveIT Forum Production and Logistics.But while automotive plants and their supply chains adapt new concepts and equipment, including for logistics and ...