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    Technology to prove key to evolution of supply chains


    The automotive industry is being reshaped by the rise of electric and autonomous vehicles but will only stay ahead of the curve in an age of greater supply chain complexity by adopting wider digitalisation as part of its routine operations, delegates at the JDA conference in Barcelona were told last ...

  • Audi Smart Factory 3

    Q&A: Srini Muthusrinivasan


    What is meant by this term ‘the autonomous supply chain’?The word autonomous has got very prevalent today in the industry. [To understand] the idea of the autonomous supply chain, you’ve got to go back to the history of how we went all the way from the industrial revolution to the ...

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    Drone technology: Getting ready to take off?


    As global giants like Amazon continue to assess the viability of using unmanned aerial vehicles for deliveries, companies around the world are becoming ever more interested in the potential of drones. Aside from making consumer deliveries, drone technology has already emerged as an active area of research and development in ...