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  • LH_MENA_Thumbnail_600x400_PostEvent

    Watch: Middle East and North Africa supply chains – the route to recovery (EP.3)


    Watch this Livestream for the latest insight on vehicle demand, production and trade across Middle East and North Africa automotive supply chains, plus insights with General Motors’ head of purchasing and supply chain for the Middle East, Sulaiman Pallak. 

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    Middle East and North Africa: Leading the way in innovation


    Despite a sustained period of decline over the last few years affected by a fall in oil prices and geopolitical strife, the Middle East and Africa is fast becoming a region of automotive and supply chain opportunity…

  • VirginHyperloopOne_4

    The future of logistics?


    A manufacturing plant in Pittsburgh with an urgent requirement to send a pallet of freight to Chicago has few attractive options, as there is currently no direct highway route between the two. But if the visionaries at Virgin Hyperloop One have their way, that will soon change. By loading the ...