General Motors has recently presented its 2011 Supplier of the Year awards to companies providing it with materials and services for operations in Brazil and the wider South American market.

At a ceremony in São Paulo, the carmaker recognised the performance of 38 of its suppliers for the quality, service, technology and competitiveness of service. Of the companies receiving accolades, five were logistics providers: Tegma Gestão Logística, Cisa Trading, Veloce Logística, Brazul Has Vehicles and Logistic Cargolift Transport.

Steel maker Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) took the certificate of merit.

The awards were the 40th to be held in Brazil, the country in which GM first introduced its supplier awards. The awards spread from there to become an annual event in GM’s markets around the world following the success of the initiative.

This year’s awards for the logistics providers were presented by Fred Roldan, logistics director, Global Purchasing and Supply Chain at GM South America.

Also present at the ceremony was president of GM Brazil, Grace Lieblein who described GM’s activity in the country as being in “a moment of deep transformation” as a result of a 5 billion real investment programme that has been running since 2008.

“We are bringing to the market nine new products and extending the options for our consumers, and for this we count on the support and involvement of our suppliers,” she told attendees.

Bob Partner, global vice president of Purchasing and Supply Chain at GM said the awards were in recognition of the positive results the carmaker has seen in South America and more globally, what he described as “the fruit of an effective partnership”.