All Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics articles

  • Port of Dover

    Bordering on Brexit


    Brexit continues to cause some serious headaches for those involved in the UK’s automotive sector. With the publication of a draft withdrawal agreement on November 14, UK prime minister, Theresa May, affirmed her commitment to a continued customs territory. Whether that intent will be realised is as much in doubt ...

  • 2018_01_08_PM_Cuxport_Frejya

    Trusting the market will stay afloat


    European vehicle-handling ports saw growth in vehicle vehicle volumes in 2017, however geo-political worries – not least Brexit – is causing concerns. Ports continue to invest but there are worries over future volumes and capacity levels. 

  • Auto Rack Train

    Third-party logistics: Future fields of opportunity?


    As with most things in life, change is a constant in automotive logistics, but in finished vehicle distribution that doesn’t seem to hold as true. As one observer wryly comments about vehicle logistics: “The way of doing things is cemented because that’s how it’s always been done.”Being asset heavy, fewer ...

  • Hail protection net

    Emergency response: Weathering the storms


    A volatile 2017 hurricane season saw successive storms hit the US south-east and the Caribbean, counting at least 500,000 vehicles in the US alone among its many damages and leading to emergency planning once again gaining a greater level of prominence within the finished vehicle supply chain. While matching the ...

  • TransportesMarva03

    Road transport in Mexico: no time for reflection


    About three years ago, trucking capacity for the movement of finished vehicles in Mexico was a big concern. Trucks are used for the delivery of all finished vehicles for the domestic market there, as well as supporting rail in moving vehicles to and from ports, and there were simply not ...

  • Port-of-Vigo

    WWL links Spain’s port of Vigo to South America


    Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has added the Spanish port of Vigo to its Atlantic Ocean service, which supports the movement of finished vehicles, breakbulk and rolling stock between Europe and South America via the US and Mexico.The Norwegian-based global ocean services provider will call at Vigo on a monthly basis, ...