Indian carmaker Tata has revised figures for parts supply to its Sanand plant in the state of Gujurat and asked suppliers to halve the delivery of parts for Nano production.
The carmaker’s plan to make 250,000 vehicles in the first year of production at the factory, which is set to begin in June following a trial production in the first quarter, has now been revised down to between 125,000-150,000 according to Dow Jones Newswires. Previous targets were for a doubling of production in the first year.
Tata Motors received bookings for a record 206,703 Nano vehicles during April-June 2009 and still plans to deliver the first 100,000 by December this year. The company also makes the Nano at its factory at Pantnagar in the northern state of Uttarakhand with output between 35,000-40,000. No revisions to production here have been announced.
In January this year the company experienced cancellations for Nano orders as customers in India withdrew orders because of frustrations with the delay in delivery of the car and the interest rates charged on loans for the vehicles.
Domestic sales grew in April by more than 52% over last year, but were almost 24% lower than March, indicating a possible slowdown in domestic sales.