Packaging | Automotive Logistics – Page 9

  • Achim Glass

    Plugged in for progress


    Evolution of CCS charging technology for e-cars towards 350 kW" width="500" height="500">The last two decades have seen the emergence of the alternative propulsion vehicle market from almost nothing. According to PwC Autofacts data, sales in 1997 across all hybrid and electric vehicles numbered about 6,000 vehicles. This year, the ...

  • Getrag_MagnaLogistics_awards

    Getrag scores a hat-trick at Magna Logistics awards


    Transmission system supplier Getrag has received three World Class Logistics awards for innovative supply chain projects. The awards were made by Magna Logistics Europe, a division of Getrag’s parent company Magna International, and were announced at the annual Magna Logistics Days in the second week of October.Getrag’s Supply Chain Management ...

  • Toyota NAPCC-Ontario, Ca.

    Service parts part 3: Aftermarket operations and network


    20 years of change in automotive service parts logistics

  • The Volvo Cars manufacturing plant in Daqing, China

    Production & logistics part 4: Logistics organisations and skills


    How has your company’s supply chain and logistics management organisation changed over the past 20 years?

  • Ford2015_Valencia_Event_025

    Production & logistics part 3: Operations, packaging and IT


    How have supply chain operations for logistics changed over the past 20 years?

  • Audi_Hauf

    Production & logistics part 2: Questioning the future


    This article is one of a series of pieces celebrating Automotive Logistics’ 20th anniversary issue that together take an extended look at the way top executives feel automotive production and logistics have changed in the last two decades – and where they see them heading in the future.

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    Production & logistics part 1: Where are we now?


    This article kicks off a series of pieces celebrating Automotive Logistics’ 20th anniversary issue that together take an extended look at the way top executives feel automotive production and logistics have changed in the last two decades – and where they see them heading in the future

  • Christopher Ludwig

    Still breaking down barriers in automotive supply chains…


    What has changed in 20 years of covering the automotive supply chain?

  • Bo_shiju

    Beijing Changjiu Logistics: Independence, investment and internationalisation


    Beijing Changjiu Logistics has grown to become one of the largest third-party providers serving the automotive sector in China, both for handling parts and especially for finished vehicles, of which last year it moved 3.08m. The company began its life in 1992 as Jilin Changjiu Logistics but registered as Beijing ...

  • Gefco_Halewood_009 copy

    Gefco opens sequencing warehouse in Liverpool with a view to the future


    Transport and logistics provider Gefco has opened a £10m ($13.2m) warehouse and sequencing centre in Speke near Liverpool, in the UK which is currently supplying components to Jaguar Land Rover’s plant in nearby Halewood. At an event held to mark the opening last week Gefco executives talked about the latest ...

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    Volkswagen Group part 2: Talking ‘then and now’ with head of group logistics, Thomas Zernechel


    The group’s head of group logistics talks about the major changes seen over the past two decades – and why he is optimistic about the future of logistics

  • Volkswagen Werk Pamplona

    Volkswagen Group part 1: Present and prepared for the future


    Volkswagen Konzernlogistik (group logistics), the carmaker’s central logistics steering and purchasing organisation, has taken on new dimensions in managing the group’s complex and expanding supply chain

  • Dirk Willmann

    Ford of Europe: A system of strength and complexity


    Dirk Willmann’s 25-year career with Ford has made him witness to the changing arc of the company’s supply chain in Europe and further afield, including more complicated material flows, new locations and footprint changes, as well as advances in technology.

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    An aftermarket network rebuilt for rapid response at BMW


    An interview with Wolfgang Baumann, vice-president of parts logistics management and responsible for the global supply of service parts for the BMW Group

  • Slide6

    Live poll results from Detroit


    Live polling conducted at the Automotive Logistics Global conference in Detroit showed a recognition that environmental sustainability will play a bigger part in future supply chains, and that total supply chain comprehension will be the most important skill to have over the next decade.Delegates at the 2017 Automotive Logistics ...

  • Day 2_0067_170920_Detroit

    Conference report: Attracting a talent for disruption


    Given the pace of change in digital technology the automotive logistics sector may not know exactly where it will be in ten years but it knows it is going somewhere different and that a risk-to-fail attitude is essential in adopting supply chain strategies for the future. What it cannot risk, ...

  • UK_truck_Low_0

    Ceva continues to invest in automotive services


    Ceva Logistics is investing in 120 new trucks to upgrade its fleet in the UK between now and the end of the year. The company said the 44-tonne Iveco Stralis trucks, which are being supplied by Dawson Rentals, will enhance the efficiency and fuel economy of its operations serving the ...

  • EV battery

    KN launches lithium-ion battery logistics service out of Asia


    This year’s IAA motor show in Frankfurt, Germany was notable for the continued focus on vehicle electrification, with carmakers committing to more electric vehicle (EV) models and options in the coming years. Governments, meanwhile, from the UK and France to China, have recently announced plans to shift away from combustion ...

  • robi_2

    Surgere completes ROBi inventory pilot at Mahle Behr facility in Dayton


    Automotive parts maker Mahle Behr has recently completed a pilot project into inventory management with digital supply chain and packaging expert Surgere. The success of the pilot could see the full deployment of a robotised RFID system at Mahle Behr’s facility in Dayton, Ohio.The pilot project marked the launch of ...

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    Michael Silvio moves to head Logistics Innovation unit at Surgere


    Michael Silvio has moved from his role as senior director of supply chain management at tier one supplier, Cooper Standard Automotive, to take up a newly created position as vice-president of logistics innovation at packaging management and supply chain intelligence provider, Surgere. Cooper Standard has yet to announce a replacement ...