Road and truck transport – Page 17
DHL to handle UK distribution of Saab parts with Orio
Orio UK, the only supplier of Saab original aftermarket parts, has signed a deal with logistics provider, DHL Supply Chain, for next day delivery to service centres around the UK. Orio UK is a regional division of Orio, formerly Saab Automobile Parts.DHL will provide a free overnight delivery service on ...
Rhenus secures five-year contract renewal with Daimler
Daimler has awarded freight forwarding specialist Rhenus Logistics UK a five-year contract renewal to continue logistics services between the UK and Germany. Rhenus, which has worked with Daimler since 2010, is providing transport and logistics services at 67 collection points across the UK and Ireland for the delivery of automotive ...
American hauliers: Adding up the miles
Constraints on rail capacity and changing demand could see road hauliers covering greater distances, as well as facing greater challengesThe fact that the majority of volume vehicle movements in North America use rail – perhaps for 70-75% of miles covered, by some estimates – would suggest that most truck deliveries ...
DHL launches cross border LTL service between US and Mexico
[This story was updated on Thursday 23rd July] DHL’s freight handling division, DHL Global Forwarding, has introduced a less-than-container load (LTL) service between the US and Mexico that it said has already been adopted by the automotive, engineering and manufacturing sectors, among others.Han Roest, global sector head of automotive at ...
ECG column: Growing pains
ECG president Costantino Baldissara (pictured with vice-president Wolfgang Göbel, far left) says that the return of stronger European growth means that capacity is once again tight and carriers are on the lookout for driversFor many of us, the financial crisis, almost a decade ago already, is becoming a distant memory. ...
ECG column: a decision made
ECG president Costantino Baldissara (pictured with vice-president Wolfgang Göbel, far left) weighs up the effect of the EU’s trailer length compromise on vehicle logistics, with an eye on a future review dateIn my last column, written early December 2014, I noted the likelihood that the legislative process of the revision ...
宇森物流与福特公司签署了一份新的多年合同,旨在为福特收集境内零部件,并运送至福特在布拉格和布达佩斯的原始配送中心。新签署的合同加深了宇森物流同福特公司物料规划和物流部门的合作,同时也意味着除了在原始配送中心按照现有合同提供管理之外,还提供卡车运输零担货运。 宇森物流表明目前正在横跨波兰南部,捷克共和国,斯洛伐克,奥地利,匈牙利,斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚在内的240多家供应商处搜集零部件。同时,它也正将可重复利用的包装返还给那些供应商。 宇森物流欧洲分部汽车主管John Mitchell先生说,“我们很荣幸获此殊荣,能够有机会为福特公司的供应链提供附价值。这份荣誉进一步强化了我们在该地区的汽车网络,这对消费者来说是好事,对其供应商是好事,同样的,对像我们一样的供应商也是好事。” 宇森物流始于2006年同福特公司合作,它被选中经营福特布拉格原始配送中心,该中心为福特驻欧洲工厂提供汽车零部件在中欧的统一原始装载服务。在2010年,福特汽车在布达佩斯开设了第二家原始配送中心,而该中心仍旧由宇森物流负责经营。
戴姆勒公司已经宣布欧洲承运商奖的年度获奖者,每年这个奖都颁给得到最佳服务肯定的出厂服务供应商。 德国运输供应商Ernest Frankenback公司被提名为乘用车部门最佳搭档,而来自英国的ECM(汽车交付服务)公司被认证为商用车部门的最佳搭档。 Ernest Frankenback被选拔获得乘用车部奖项,戴姆勒公司称“突出表现更进一步”。公司之前还以其出色服务获得2002年和2009年的欧洲承运商奖。 与此同时,ECM也第三次获得戴姆勒的认证,之前于2011年获得欧洲承运商将,乘用车部门奖项,于2013年获得总体表现特殊奖。除此之外,与戴姆勒合作最长的物流供应商之一的物流企业Horst Mosolf,被授予终身成就奖。该德国公司为戴姆勒公司提供超过50年的服务,曾5次获得乘用车部门奖项。 戴姆勒全球运输物流总监Heiko Gaiser说,“运输物流是我们成功的秘诀之一 — 没有他们,就没有车能从工厂到达客户那里。因此,我们的货运伙伴的出色表现,对于我们非常重要。同时,我们将继续努力,把我们的全球汽车运输打造得更加高效和灵活。” 该奖是戴姆勒集团“欧洲承运商日”庆祝活动之一,今年是在西班牙维多利亚的梅赛德斯-奔驰厢型车工厂里举行。大约有100家欧洲运输物流供应商参加,并讨论目前的行业趋势和所面临的挑战。
ECG column: Still all to play for
With so many questions unanswered regarding sulphur emission regulation changes and final talks over EU trailer lengths still to come, the ECG president calls for action and engagement from everyone with a vested interest.As we head into the final quarter of 2014, you might be reflecting on what a surprising ...
On the up and up in Europe
European vehicle logistics has brighter days ahead thanks to improving sales, however the ECG wants the sector to work together on making key regulatory changes in the European ParliamentThe last time I wrote for this column I said it felt as though we had finally reached the bottom of the ...
Are foreign operators ready for the new HGV Road User Levy?
The introduction of the new HGV levy on foreign lorries on April 1 looks set to create a level playing field for hauliers across Europe, says David Williams, managing director Rhenus UK. However, is the UK government tempting fate to launch such a complex scheme on April Fool’s Day, he ...
The supply chain of the future
In 2033 the supply chain will still use trucks, ships, planes and trains to move material, but the level of visibility will be intensely precise, believes Craig Simon, FedEx, President and CEO Supply ChainFor most of history, the supply chain that links the world together today would have been unimaginable. ...
Jockeying toward on-truck delivery
India's Volvo Eicher is debating whether to switch from truck-on-truck to using ‘jockey’ transport for moving its commercial vehicles.IN THIS STORY...The Jockey questionVolvo Eicher's distribution network and strategy Driver training and the case for jockeyTo drive, or not to drive, that is the question facing Volvo Eicher’s Vivek Dange. ...