All europe articles – Page 32

  • computer server

    Clouding the future


    The past few years have seen a boom in the take-up of software as a service among a range of industries, but carmakers are still reluctant to take what they perceive as a chance on data securityThe last time Automotive Logistics took a specific look at the automotive industry’s use ...

  • Chep Mexico packaging

    Cutting out the paper trail


    Digital information is faster, more accurate and more useful, so why is there still so much paper in the automotive supply chain?Almost all companies now have some kind of digital infrastructure underpinning their processes, but can any automotive logistics operations be said to be truly paperless?Perhaps the most notable recent ...

  • dhl09 freightliner 02

    DHL agreement builds on rail services between Europe and China


    DHL Global Forwarding has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kazakhstan’s national rail operator, Temir Zholy Express, for the provision of block train services on the land bridge connecting Europe and China.DHL said the MOU would enhance greater rail connectivity and trade between China, Kazakhstan, the Commonwealth of Independent ...

  • ALR_Panel_discussion

    Russia conference: Practical proposals for the long term


    Discussions at this year’s Automotive Logistics Russia conference in Moscow moved across a range of subjects from the importance of survival and preparing for growth during a difficult economic slump to the importance of localisation and what needs to be done in terms of simplifying some of the more arcane ...

  • Fabio_Castello_Scania

    Scania appoints Castello vice president of logistics in Latin America


    Fábio Castello has moved from his role as head of logistics at Scania’s Latin America division to take up a newly created role at the truck maker as vice president of logistics in the region.In his new position Castello adds responsibility for complete and semi-knockdown (CKD/SKD) kit operations to his ...

  • Adampol

    Russia conference: learning to grin and bear it


    The Russian market has fallen to its lowest level since the global economic crisis, and manufacturers and logistics providers may face a long road to recovery. However, more than 150 delegates at the Automotive Logistics Russia conference made it clear that they remain committed to the market. Christopher Ludwig and ...

  • David Larson MetroGistics

    David Larson moves to MetroGistics from Jack Cooper Holdings


    David Larson has moved from his role as vice-president of Europe and Asia at road hauler, Jack Cooper Holdings, to take up a new role as executive vice-president, business development/sales partner, at logistics provider, MetroGistics.In his new role, Larson will focus on growing the company’s business on multiple fronts and ...

  • SergeyLitvinenko_PwC

    Russia conference: Crisis is a time for reinvention


    The uncertainty plaguing the Russian automotive market is not going away anytime soon, and a full rebound to the confident performance last seen in 2012 is not likely until 2020 according to Sergey Litvinenko, director of Automotive Advisory Services at analyst firm PwC Automotive Practice.Opening discussions at last week’s Automotive ...

  • Mosolf automotive railway

    Mosolf obtains EU safety certificate


    Mosolf Automotive Railway has obtained permission to manage the maintenance of its fleet of wagons by itself.The subsidiary of the Mosolf Group, responsible for rail business, has been granted the ECM safety certificate (entity in charge of maintenance), in line with EU Regulation 445/2011. The regulation stipulates that for each ...

  • PSA assembly at Vigo

    PSA invests in Morocco plant with a view to export


    PSA Peugeot-Citroen has revealed plans to build a €557m ($645m) production plant in Morocco.The agreement, signed by Carlos Tavares, chairman, managing board, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, and Moulay Hafid Elalamy, the Kingdom of Morocco’s minister for industry, trade, investment and the digital economy, is to build a plant in the commune of ...

  • Mercedes ship Africa

    Closing the gap in Africa


    South Africa’s vehicle exports to the rest of the African continent, particularly on the west coast, continue to grow, presenting an opportunity for a variety of carriers who service the country’s main export hubs. However, despite the relative proximity of these markets to South African manufacturers, the logistics gap is ...

  • GrimaldiAward_RenNiss_web-300x2311.jpg

    Renault-Nissan awards maritime logistics providers at ALE Supplier Convention


    Finished vehicle logistics providers Grimaldi and Neptune Lines were among the recipients of supplier awards recently awarded by Renault-Nissan at its Alliance Logistics Europe Supplier Convention held at Technocentre Renault in Guyancourt, near Paris.Italian maritime and logistics provider Grimaldi Group took the award for its outstanding performance level according to ...

  • port.of.vigo.roro.vessels

    Renault using shortsea from Vigo to export Spanish volumes


    Renault is to make use of the Spanish north-western port of Vigo to dispatch finished vehicles built at its plants in Valladolid and Palencia to Nantes, on a ‘motorways of the sea’ route to western France. The carmaker intends to export around 30,000 units a year to France. However, this ...

  • Andrei slepnev

    Russia pins hope on EEU deal with Vietnam for wider Asian sales


    A new deal recently signed between the Eurasia Economic Union (EEU) and the government of Vietnam is expected to see import duties reduced to zero on vehicle kits exported from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia to the south-east Asian country for assembly there.The EEU’s Minister for Trade, Andrei Slepnev (pictured), ...

  • Lukakoper

    Daimler chooses Slovenian port of Koper for exports to Asia


    The Slovenian port of Koper has won a new tender to handle Daimler finished vehicles, shipped from Mercedes-Benz plants in Germany and south-eastern Europe.Subject to the carmaker’s final plans, the port operator, Luka Koper, can expect to handle export volumes from southern Germany, as well as from plants in Austria, ...

  • Volvo manufacturing plant Daqing, China

    Volvo: Extending a 'second home' advantage


    After building a logistics management team from scratch in Europe, Volvo Car Group will do the same for its growing operations in China. Christopher Ludwig talks to Magnus Ödling, who will lead the transformation, including a tender later this yearIt could well be that 2014 will be looked on as ...

  • dhl09 freightliner 02

    DHL adds rail freight services between China and Europe


    DHL Global Forwarding has begun a twice-weekly rail service between Zhengzhou in central-eastern China and Hamburg in Germany. The 17-day service, which will pass through Russia and Poland, will offer customers the option of DHL Railconnect, the less-than-container load (LCL) service, as well as a full-container option.The latest service brings ...

  • Mike Dickinson, Qoros Auto

    Dickinson leaves Qoros for new role at the SMMT Industry Forum


    Mike Dickinson has resigned from his role as director of customer order management and logistics at Chinese carmaker Qoros and is returning to the UK to take up a new role as head of Automotive at the SMMT Industry Forum. The Industry Forum is a subsidiary company of the Society ...

  • HoeghTarget_vessel_naming_web

    Höegh takes delivery of first New Horizon class car carrier


    Höegh Autoliners has taken delivery of the first of six new post-panamax vessels, all of which will be delivered over the next 18 months. The first vessel has been named Höegh Target and will be able to carry 8,500 car equivalent units (CEUs) on a deck space of 71,400 sq.m. ...

  • Kia_Pyeongtaek_port

    Kia to hit 15m export milestone in June


    This month South Korean carmaker Kia Motors expects to hit the milestone of exporting 15m vehicles from the country. It started exporting in 1975 when the first ten Brisa pick up trucks were sent to Qatar. Exports to overseas markets now account for 70% of domestic production, which in 2014 ...