All Policy and regulation articles – Page 21

  • Russian_parts_warehouse

    Russian trade ministry proposes record-breaking state aid for parts suppliers


    Russia’s Industry and Trade Ministry is proposing to fund the country’s automotive parts suppliers with a bailout package worth $3 billion to secure supply in the face of US sanctions

  • GMPTUZ workers

    Can Central Asia be transformed into an automotive hub?


    Two of the largest former soviet republics, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, have set their sights on growing an automotive sector as they industrialise and modernise their economies. These Cental Asian nations are now focusing on strengthening their supply bases to boost local production.

  • FVL Import Export, Baltimore

    FVL Import Export: Sizing up growth opportunities in a changing market


    US ports and logistics providers are being challenged by a consumer shift towards bigger vehicles, while OEMs are operating under the shadow of global trade wars. Speakers at the 2019 FVL Import Export in Baltimore discussed the obstacles and the opportunities

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    Russia takes a slice of the new Silk Road


    As vehicle shipments increase on overland routes between Europe and China, Russian companies such as state-owned RZD are aiming to capitalise on the new business

  • brexit-flag-jigsaw

    The facts don't support the idea of 'global Britain'


    One of the claims repeated by proponents of Brexit is that ‘global Britain’ will be able to exploit the many opportunities of free trade open to it when the country leaves the EU, whether on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms or not. But this view fails to take into account how the global automotive industry works – and, specifically, the UK’s place in it. Let’s look at the facts.

  • Olga Stepanova

    Q&A with Olga Stepanova, sales director of RZD Logistics


    As vehicle shipments increase on overland routes between Europe and China, Russian companies such as the state-owned RZD are aiming to capitalise on the new business. Automotive Logistics discusses the development of a new Silk Road with Olga Stepanova, sales director of RZD Logistics

  • Ellesmere_Port_Vauxhall

    Contingency costs for Brexit exceed £330m while automotive investment plummets


    The UK automotive industry has already spent at least £330m ($401m) on contingency plans to cover the country’s departure from the EU, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). At the same time, investment has stalled as automotive manufacturers brace themselves for Brexit and big investors fear a no-deal scenario, said the SMMT’s CEO, Mike Hawes, at a press conference in London…

  • shutterstock_car_charge

    Tri-Wall secures government funding to proceed with Libris project


    Packaging specialist Tri-Wall Europe has secured funding of more than £700,000 ($874,000) from the UK government’s Faraday Battery Challenge scheme, aimed at driving research and innovation into the country’s industrial strategy and a crucial part of the UK’s efforts towards net zero emissions. The scheme brings business and academia together ...

  • Ian Henry, Crop

    Non-EU markets will not save UK automotive in a no-deal Brexit


    One of the regular mantras repeated by proponents of Brexit is that ‘global Britain’ will be able to exploit the many opportunities of free trade open to it when the country leaves the EU, whether on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms or not. As far as the ...

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    A letter to the UK’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, from the SMMT


    Mike Hawes, CEO of the UK’s Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) explains to the country’s new leader why the automotive industry should be one of his top priorities, especially in the drive to deliver Brexit.

  • Baltimore port

    Baltimore and Jacksonville handling higher vehicle volumes


    The busiest vehicle-handling ports in the US, Baltimore and Jacksonville, have reported gains in the first half of 2019, through higher import and export volumes. Baltimore has seen an increase of 8% compared with the same period last year, handling roughly 428,000 units between January and June. It reported record figures for March, with more than 59,000 vehicles processed, plus around 95,500 units of agricultural and construction equipment. The latest figures continue the growth the port has seen over the last eight years…

  • Grimsby_Immingham_port

    UK automotive on shaky ground amid ‘seismic’ trade shifts


    Immingham port The UK’s automotive industry is in danger of being crushed by shifting trade relations across different regions of the world, as vehicle import tariffs change between it and the EU, the US and Japan. Uncertainty over the reworking of two of these key relationships, particularly ...

  • Rusting car in warehouse

    Iran’s automotive industry left to rust


    US-led sanctions have devastated Iran’s automotive industry, disrupting its supply of components and causing production to fall. Automotive Logistics assesses the damage

  • MENA photo

    Automotive Logistics to hold first Middle East and North Africa conference in Dubai


    Automotive Logistics is increasing its focus on the Middle East and Africa with a new conference and increased editorial coverage

  • Car_Road_AIAG_Survey

    AIAG automotive supply chain 2025 online survey


    The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) is currently hosting an online automotive supply chain survey as part of its Supply Chain 2025 initiative, which is designed to identify, rank and explore the top trends affecting automotive supply chain strategies between now and 2025. The US industry body ...

  • Tom Oisseur, Drewry Consulting

    Deep-sea vehicle carriers sail further into troubled waters


    Stagnant vehicle shipments, rising regulatory costs and sinking vessel utilisation are all affecting the ocean transport sector, according to data from Drewry Shipping Consultants. With shipping rates at relative lows, new vessel orders for pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs) have stalled to a virtual ...

  • Xavier_Peroutka_PSA(2)

    Using the past to better predict the future of vehicle logistics


    In finished vehicle logistics and distribution, disruptions and changes in the supply chain often lead to higher costs and bottlenecks, including stock pileups and imbalances in transport capacity. Last year’s implementation of WLTP in Europe was a case in point, as some OEMs faced delays in getting vehicles certified or ...

  • DJI_0029

    North American ports go in search of the promised land


    US east coast ports have been grabbing land to handle increased volumes while some on the west coast deal with dramatic volume fluctuations. In Mexico, meanwhile, private investment is helping to deal with congestion. Marcus Williams reports on the performance of North American vehicle handling ports in 2018

  • AL_Munich_session1

    Deal or no deal, the UK auto industry needs to invest now


    The best way for OEMs to prepare for Brexit is to act like it has already happened, delegates were told at the Automotive Logistics Global conference in Munich, this week. Christoph Stürmer, Autofacts Global lead analyst, PWC, revealed that vehicle production in the UK is down 21% ...

  • EU_Mercosur_Tweet

    EU signs draft trade agreement with Mercosur bloc


    The European Union has signed a draft trade deal with the Mercosur region – the South America trading bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The deal, which still has to be ratified, has been under discussion for 20 years and has stalled multiple times, making the signing of a ...