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Faurecia deploys AGVs in Spain
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are now working alongside workers and robots at Faurecia’s car seat manufacturing plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz, northern Spain.Through a weightless handling system, workers transfer the car seat from the end of the line to the AGV, which then delivers it to a loading robot.The vehicle then takes ...
Brazil needs investment and talent to flip the recession
While the automotive sector in Brazil waits for political reform under its new president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, including investment in transport and infrastructure, logistics providers need to be creative in overcoming the existing poor state of the roads and ports. That is if the country is to exploit returning growth, including ...
British automotive industry finds new markets
Asia was the fastest growing foreign market for the UK’s automotive sector last year, with the value of exported goods up 21% on 2016, a new survey has shown.The Asian increase helped lift the sector’s total exports to £40 billion ($51.5 billion) – a 26% increase in two years – ...
Bordering on Brexit – why it pays to be prepared
The Eurotunnel has carried more than 26 million trucks and more than 340 million tonnes of freight goods since 1994. A total of 25% of trade in goods between the UK and continental Europe goes through the Channel Tunnel, representing a total value of around 115 billion euros per year. ...
Deficit in Brazil’s automotive parts sector worsens
Brazil’s automotive parts industry posted a trade deficit of $4.48 billion over the first eight months of this year – a 22.4% increase compared to the deficit over the same period last year.Figures released by the National Association of Brazilian Auto Parts Manufacturers (Sindipeças) show exports of auto parts to ...
Brazilian auto association adjusts forecast
Brazil’s National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea), has adjusted predictions for how the year will end for the finished vehicle sector in the country – upwards for domestic registrations and production, downwards for exports.In updated forecasts, Anfavea projected a 13.7% rise to 2.54m units in vehicles licensed, up from ...
EU workers are key: don't close the UK's door
According to the Department for Transport’s official statistics, more goods were imported by road into the UK than exported last year, with 10,000 lorries making their way through Dover Strait per day alone. Up to 86% of cargo exported from the UK went to the Irish Republic (23%), France (22%), ...
Blockchain can disrupt the auto industry
Blockchain has built its reputation as a distributed ledger platform, which provides a framework for securely using and trading cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. However, its potential extends far beyond financial services.The functions of blockchain could cater to other sectors to create more transparency and deliver greater efficiency. One example is ...
A crisis in human capital
As the automotive logistics sector continues to automate and let technology take the lead, there are some important human factors to resolve if such plans are to succeed – as delegates at this year’s Automotive Logistics Global conference in Detroit found out While the US car market may be ...
Argentinian economic downturn hits Brazil
Brazil’s National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea) has confirmed it is lowering its forecast for automotive exports this year, after warnings that the economic crisis in neighbouring Argentina is impacting on that country’s ability to import finished vehicles.While total automotive exports will not actually decline this year, they will ...
A rising tide – with political undercurrents
Mexican production and exports continued to grow through 2017, both to the US and globally. At the same time, US sales remained strong and were fed by an increase in imports from established and emerging markets. It is only in Canada that both sales and assembly are showing a decline. ...
Twinning talent with technology
The rate at which emerging digital technologies are transforming the automotive logistics supply chain is hard to keep up with. As both an enabler of everything from platform design to procurement, finance and planning, and a disruptor of traditional supply chain operations, digital technology associated with industry 4.0 is driving ...
Turkish exports continue to rise
Turkey’s automotive exports have risen 17% so far this year to reach a value of $13.9 billion, fresh figures from the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association (OİB) have shown.In May – the country’s 28th month of continuous automotive export growth – automotive exports were worth $2.8 billion, up 8% on ...
Trusting the market will stay afloat
European vehicle-handling ports saw growth in vehicle vehicle volumes in 2017, however geo-political worries – not least Brexit – is causing concerns. Ports continue to invest but there are worries over future volumes and capacity levels.
Suape reports strong start to 2018
The Brazilian port of Suape, in the state of Pernambuco, has reported a 54% rise in the number of finished vehicles handled in the first two months of 2018. In total, 10,274 units moved across the docks in the period, with February alone accounting for 6,824 units – a month-on-month ...
Brazilian automotive sector raises its profile
Brazil’s automotive sector now accounts for 22% of industrial GDP and 4% of GDP as a whole, the country’s industry, overseas trade and services minister, Marcos Jorge, has revealed. Directly and indirectly, it is responsible for 1.6m jobs.“The Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) is committed to backing ...
BMW Spartanburg remains top US car exporter
BMW’s Spartanburg vehicle assembly plant in South Carolina remained the largest US automotive exporter by value last year, even though production there decreased.The factory turned out more than 371,280 cars during the year, 9.7% fewer than in 2016 because the X5/X6 assembly hall was shut down for four weeks during ...
Mexico hits record highs in output and exports
The Mexican automotive sector has enjoyed a spectacular start to 2018, reaching all-time highs in vehicle production and exports during January.According to the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), a total of 303,755 vehicles were produced during the month, over 4% more than in January 2017. Vehicle exports, meanwhile, ...
Georgia ports aim for a million units a year
Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has revealed strategic plans to support the handling of 1m vehicle and machinery units a year at ports in the state within the next ten years.Ro-ro cargo has already expanded from 411,000 units per year to over 640,000 units, said the authority, the majority of it ...
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