Inbound logistics – Page 16


    Orbis moves into Canton to support packaging management at Nissan


    Orbis has set up a new facility in Canton, in the US state of Mississippi, to provide packaging management services for Nissan North America. Orbis’ reusable packaging management services unit – Orbis RPM – will operate on-site within Nissan’s plant, and handle inbound and outbound material logistics

  • StreetDrone_trucks_aerial

    Consortium to develop autonomous inbound services for Nissan UK


    Autonomous vehicle technology developer StreetDrone has secured funding as part of a wider consortium looking into the use 5G connected autonomous trucks for inbound shipments to Nissan’s assembly plant in Sunderland, UK

  • Nissan_Barcelona_plant

    Nissan postpones closure of Barcelona plant and confirms parts distribution


    Nissan has delayed the closure of its vehicle and parts plants in the Catalonia region of Spain until December 2021 following strike action taken by workers. It has also confirmed it will maintain parts warehouse operations in Barcelona and is in discussions over the future of purchasing and logistics there

  • Ford_Mex_engine_CHEP-1

    Ford facing shutdowns in US because of engine shortage


    Ford is reported to be facing assemly shutdowns in the US this week because of engine supply problems out of Mexico caused by the coronavirus. Output at the carmaker’s engine plant in Chihuahua has been halved because of restrictions on production and supply caused by the virus, while its plants in the US are running at full production

  • LH_ROAI_Thumbnail_600x400_Thumbnail 600x400

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 10 – How Volkswagen is transforming plant logistics with AI, analytics and cloud technology


    In this episode of the Livestream Hour, we discuss the technology and processes that are accelerating more connected, data-driven supply chains, and the greater role they will play in the post-coronavirus automotive industry. With special guests from Volkswagen, research institute Fraunhofer ISST and tech startup SYNAOS.

  • IT livestream_your questions answered

    Watch: ‘Covid is accelerating digital supply chain and production’ | Your questions answered with EY’s Bart Huthwaite


    Following our popular Livestream Hour edition focused on digitalisation in supply chain and logistics, Bart Huthwaite, principal for automotive and transportation at EY, rejoins Christopher Ludwig to address audience questions on topics including digital twins, industrial IOT, trade wars and changing production models. 

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    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 8 – Ford’s insourcing of logistics through technology


    Join this special digital transformation livestream session on how IT and technology solutions are supporting supply chain during the crisis, including a major digitalisation project for Ford’s logistics and supply chain management across key regions. Hosted by Christopher Ludwig.

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    Health and safety portal opens door for Mexico automotive restart


    There have been a series of mixed messages surrounding the restart of operations in Mexico over the past few weeks but carmakers and suppliers in Mexico can now return to production providing they register their safety protocols on a government portal certifying that they will follow the guidelines designed to halt the spread of Covid-19

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    USMCA will go ahead in July but automotive approval could take 18 months


    The new free trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico automotive sector will not have full consensus from the automotive industry by July 1 according to Al Zapanta, CEO, US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, because agreement on labour and vehicle content still need approval

  • Battery pack picture

    A vantage point on power supply


    As part of Allison Transmission, UK battery manufacturer Vantage Power has a particular focus on battery technology development, including for electric hybrid propulsion, and is competing strongly on performance in the commercial vehicle sector

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    Powerful alternatives for the automotive sector


    Battery manufacturer AMTE Power acquired AGM Batteries in 2013 to advance its development and provision of battery cell technology for specialist applications in the automotive sector looking for premium performance. Daniel Harrison talks to the company’s director Kevin Brundish

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    Coronavirus policy complicates Mexican automotive recovery


    After significant declines in production and sales through March and April this year, Mexico is restarting its automotive manufacturing, but the country’s states are setting different rules regarding ramp up, which is restricting the movement of parts across borders. What could further complicate the situation in the near-term is the US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement (USMCA), which comes into effect on July 1, enforcing complex changes in trade, parts sourcing and labour rules.

  • Livestream Hour_TS_after event

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 4 – Tier Suppliers on the Road to Recovery


    Hosted by Christopher Ludwig, Editor-in-Chief at Ultima Media, the Livestream Hour will take place each week on Wednesdays. It will also be part of other Livestream special episodes and guests, including previews and follow-ups from our series of live and digital events for Automotive Logistics, Automotive Manufacturing Solutions and Car Design News. In Episode 4, we discuss the key areas that suppliers especially need to consider as the automotive industry stirs back into action, including supply chain and logistics processes, sourcing considerations, digital tools and collaboration. 

  • Kia Slovakia plant shutdown

    Kia suspends production in Slovakia on supply shortages


    Kia has had to halt the assembly lines two weeks after restarting them, demonstrating the challenges that OEMs face in restarting vehicle production during the ongoing lockdown and coronavirus crisis.

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    Marelli and BMW light the way with blockchain


    Marelli Automotive Lighting is working with the BMW Group on the introduction of blockchain technology to connect suppliers’ and carmakers’ plants to improve the management of automotive supply chains. Together, the companies have designed and developed the PartChain application, which is being used initially as a pilot focused on the traceability of headlamps, rear lamps and lighting modules supplied by Marelli Automotive Lighting to a number of BMW Group vehicles

  • Hellmann_process-implementation

    Finding the space in a crisis with two speeds


    Jochen Freese, chief commercial officer (CCO) at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, says that the automotive supply chain is not built for large numbers of huge warehouses in which to stock inbound parts, but it is a problem the industry is having to deal with in the face of a global production shutdown brought about by the coronavirus pandemic

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    VW Autoeuropa to import gearboxes through port of Sines


    Volkswagen is to start shipping gearboxes made at its components plant in Córdoba, Argentina, to its Autoeuropa assembly plant in Portugal. Containers are being shipped from the Argentine port of Buenos Aries to the Portuguese port of Sines for onward shipment by road to the plant in Palmela

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    Russian car industry caught between coronavirus and currency fluctuations


    Automotive plants in Russia are reported to be running out of components as supply shortages caused by the coronavirus continue out of China and South Korea, and disruption spreads across Europe. At the same time the Russian ruble has hit a four-year low against the US dollar, which is taking its toll on production costs

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    Watch: Summing up the situation in Mexico


    Christopher Ludwig wraps up the Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020 conference with an overview of the key topics discussed, including the impact of USMCA localisation rules and certification, both which raise questions but also opportunities for logistics providers to manage complexity. The increase in the use of connected supply chain technology ...

  • Chris Ludwig AL Mexico

    Watch: Why Jesús Seade thinks the USMCA will increase supply chain investment into Mexico


    At this week’s AL Mexico conference Jesús Seade, undersecretary for North America at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, talked about the new USMCA trade deal (called T-Mec locally) and the increase in localisation brought about by the changes to rules of origin. Here Christopher Ludwig gives an overview of ...