Features – Page 15

  • Blockchain

    Blockchain: Potential unlocked?


    Vehicle-makers, tier supplies and logistics providers are progressing with ‘digital ledger’ technology that provides greater visibility and control over complex supply chains

  • VR, Seat

    Logistics 4.0: how smart technologies are lifting logistics to another level


    After a period of exploration, OEMs, tier suppliers and logistics providers are getting serious about making their operations smarter and more connected – Logistics 4.0 is here

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    Stronger ties: Growth of a new Silk Road


    Increased investment in rail services across Eurasia is contributing to rising volumes of automotive shipments via this mode – not only components but finished vehicles as well

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    Nissan North America: On track to cut container pool shrinkage


    Container pool shrinkage is an issue that has a costly impact on OEMs and tier suppliers across the automotive industry. At various points in the extended supply chains which support today’s vehicle manufacturing operations, containers go missing, are misused or are even stolen to be resold and used elsewhere

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    Centre of the world: How the Middle East is growing in importance for automotive


    With vehicle sales on the rise and multiple free trade zones under development, the Middle East is attracting greater attention from the automotive industry than ever before

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    Autonomy ahoy: Shipping industry moves toward crewless vessels


    Autonomous vehicles have been attracting a lot of attention as the automotive industry pushes towards future mobility. But what is the potential for autonomous ships?

  • Electric vehicles such as this Nissan Leaf in Johannesburg are a rare sight on South African roads

    South Africa's dream of an EV supply base


    Despite negligible EV sales at home, South Africa is looking to become an exporter of their components and is putting an incentives scheme into place. But can it succeed?

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    All mixed up: the impact of the SUV trend on European car carriers


    Volumes of finished vehicles may have recovered from the recession, but users and manufacturers of car transporters are now having to handle a very different array of vehicles, including larger and heavier models – with implications for capacity utilisation

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    Why all eyes are on Israel for AI


    In the race to perfect autonomous driving, Israel has proven to be a hotspot of technological innovation – driven, in part, by its military expertise and surveillance tools

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    Delivering a smarter factory


    Magna Steyr’s vehicle assembly plant in the Austrian city of Graz is not a typical automotive factory; the site, which in 2018 brought its cumulative total production tally to 3.5m vehicles, produces vehicles under contract for OEMs such as Daimler, BMW and Jaguar Land Rover. Efficiency is important in any ...

  • Automatisierte Lieferdrohne von ZF / Automated Delivery Drone from ZF

    Flight club: Why more logistics operations are signing up to drone technology


    Impressive advancements have been made in drone technology over the last few years and many believe that drones will play a key role in the logistics of the future, for internal business functions as well as deliveries to consumers. In fact, NASA estimates that there will be 7m drones in ...

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    Challenging times for US car carriers


    Despite some recent legislative wins on permissible overhangs, rig length and adaptable trailers, the US car-carrier sector continues to face a number of operational challenges, including a capacity squeeze, more demanding customers and downward price pressure

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    Working together to drive out disruption


    In the context of testing trade relations and new technology in supply chains, finished vehicle logistics providers need to work out how to position themselves for the future, delegates heard at April’s FVL North America conference in Huntington Beach, California

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    Toyota North America: Breaking down supply chain barriers


    Toyota is realigning its production and service parts organisation by integrating its inbound and aftermarket supply chain departments into a new division called PDAD. Group vice-president of the new division, Alok Vaish, explains the thinking behind it

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    A transformation for China's automotive landscape


    Carmakers, logistics providers and tier suppliers joined the heads of China’s leading trade associations in Shanghai this year to assess the sweeping changes taking place in the country’s automotive market. As regulators seek to support business during the slowdown, trade upheaval continues but so does the growth in digitalisation and ...

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    US car market stable as trade and tech change


    George Peterson, president of analyst firm Auto Pacific The US economy is in good health, consumer confidence is high and vehicle sales are expected to total 16.6m this year, delegates were told at this week’s Finished Vehicle Logistics North America conference. The bad news is that the ...

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    Express rail deliveries increase along Silk Road


    Since it was first announced by China’s president Xi Jinping in 2013, the comprehensive international trade and infrastructure plan now known as the Belt and Road Initiative has quickly crossed a number of milestones in its development of services by land and sea. Currently around 65 countries are involved (152 ...

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    Reality check: How AR can improve efficiency in logistics


    A growing number of companies in the automotive industry are embracing the use of augmented and virtual reality technology for tasks such as part picking and inventory management, as well as for training. We look at some of the latest applications

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    Still got it: How reuse and recycling can give EV batteries a new lease of life


    As the EV trend continues, it raises the question of what to do with their hazardous lithium-ion batteries once they have reached the end of their useful life. Options include reuse and recycling, but both of these require special expertise in reverse logistics

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    Ford Europe packaging: Heading to the pool


    Ford’s Kuly Malka has overseen a transformation in the carmaker’s European packaging and container management