All Toyota articles – Page 7

  • takaoka_plant_2020_007_s_866448

    A stronger supply chain since Fukushima


    In the ten years since the earthquake and tsunami hit the Japanese region of Tohoku, carmakers disrupted by the disaster have been working on mitigation strategies to better prepare and respond to the next supply chain threat. Marcus Williams talks to Mazda, Nissan and Toyota about what has been achieved over the last decade

  • Tesla Gigafactory Texas snow

    Texas winter storm blackouts hit automotive sector


    Severe weather conditions in the US state of Texas over the last ten days have closed down manufacturing locations, including vehicle and parts supplier plants, as well as disrupting delivery routes.

  • LocusBots in Warehouse2

    The time is now to start integrating robotics into logistics operations


    Robotics have enabled major productivity gains in manufacturing, but as the technology becomes more affordable and labour gets harder to find and more expensive, it could start to play a bigger role in logistics, too, helping workers do their jobs more safely and quickly.

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    North American vehicle makers steer a course through Covid


    This year’s Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain North America Live conference revealed how a strong rebound in North American vehicle sales has taken the supply chain by surprise and exacerbated the misalignment in inbound supply and capacity caused by the Covid-19 shutdowns.

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    USMCA: The milk in the coconut of North American trade


    The renegotiated rules on free trade in North America, known as USMCA, have been in effect six months but are coming under stricter enforcement. Trade experts from Toyota and Canada’s automotive supplier association point to risks around compliance and a lack of clarity in some rules, especially around ’alternative staging regimes’ on localisation – with the risk that some suppliers could lose significant business. 

  • Leila Aridi Afas, Director, International Public Policy at Toyota Motor North America Flavio Volpe, President at Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA)

    Watch: North America automotive suppliers must keep up with USMCA and changing trade policy


    Policy experts from Toyota and Canada’s automotive supplier association unpick complex sourcing and compliance rules under USMCA, and look ahead to what the Biden administration could mean for automotive trade.

  • Rich Wishon Toyota Logistics Services, Katharina Burlage

    Watch: Toyota turns to technology to redesign US vehicle logistics network


    Toyota’s Rick Wishon discusses how the carmaker is using optimisation tools from software specialist Inform to engineer its outbound logistics network to maximise capacity and reduce lead times even as complexity rises.

  • Greg Toornman AGCO, Doug Adams Toyota Motor North America

    Watch: Can OEMs design more flexible and predictive supply chains networks?


    Logistics executives from Toyota North America and agricultural equipment manufacturer AGCO discuss their strategies, processes and technologies for advanced logistics and supply chain planning.

  • Soeren Striepe Magna, Scott McKenzie Toyota Canada, Frantz Saintellemy LeddarTech, Colin Dhillon APMA

    Watch: Canada’s Silicon Valley of the North


    Leaders from Magna, Toyota and LeddarTech discuss how Canada’s supply chain can realise its potential for innovation as the Silicon Valley of the North, thanks to the local expertise and electric vehicle initiatives like Project Arrow.

  • Toyota TMMI Indiana

    Toyota doesn’t let a good crisis go to waste


    The automotive supply chain in North America is once again facing disruption with containerised parts stuck in US west coast ports and semiconductors in short supply, both situations stemming from the turmoil created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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    Carmakers ramp up plans for North American BEV manufacturing


    As Europe develops an appetite for battery electric vehicles (BEVs), with Volkswagen’s ID.3 even becoming the second-best selling car overall in December, North America continues to lag behind. Although it is unlikely to catch up to Europe any time soon, things are beginning to move when it comes to local manufacturing, with some major OEMs and some credible start-ups announcing big investments for new models.

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    A fitful start to the year for automotive supply in North America


    The repercussions of Covid-19 continue to disrupt the automotive supply chain in North America, not least in the disruption caused to inbound container freight and the serious shortage in the supply of semiconductors. Marcus Williams reports 

  • Suppliers_Partnership

    Good things come in sustainable packages


    The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) is an association of vehicle makers and suppliers that works with US government bodies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on projects designed to advance environmental sustainability while providing economic value to the automotive supply chain. At the end of 2020, the SP published guidance on sustainable packaging aimed at reducing waste in the automotive sector and increasing the amount of packaging that could be recycled

  • Microchip semiconductor shortage automotive industry

    Semiconductor shortage will hit auto industry well into 2021


    An ongoing shortage in semiconductor supply is disrupting production of parts and vehicles around the world. The supply bottleneck, which is caused by a combination of factors, including the impact of Covid-19 on production in the first half of 2020 and on manufacturing investment, is affecting a number of major carmakers and their suppliers.

  • Toyota Motor Europe marvin cooke TME

    Marvin Cooke to oversee production and logistics at Toyota Motor Europe


    Marvin Cooke has moved to become executive vice president of manufacturing at Toyota Motor Europe (TME). He will oversee the operations of all Toyota plants across Europe, overseeing the Toyota Production System, including logistics, production control and production engineering.

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    Sustainable packaging a priority for the automotive sector


    Carmakers and tier suppliers affiliated under the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) have published guidance on sustainable packaging aimed at reducing waste in the automotive sector and increasing the amount of packaging that can be recycled. 

  • WHS Plastics distribution centre Minworth

    WHS Plastics invests in distribution to support UK automotive sector


    WHS Plastics, which provides plastic injection moulding products to the automotive sector, has opened a £3.5m ($4.5m) national distribution centre in Sutton Coldfield, in the UK Midlands.

  • Container Ship at port

    A capacity crisis in container shipping


    The awakening of global manufacturing from a Covid-induced coma has coincided with the usual holiday season rush and a move away from the just-in-time delivery model to produce a nightmare peak season that’s making replenishing stock in the automotive industry a Herculean task. Illya Verpraet and Christopher Ludwig report.

  • Toyota Hino FCET fuel cell electric truck

    Toyota to trial heavy-duty fuel cell trucks for parts shipments


    From spring 2022 Toyota will start on-road trials of heavy-duty fuel cell electric trucks (FCETs) to transport parts between its plants in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and the Toyota Tobishima Logistics Center in Nagoya Port.

  • Keith Robertson Toyota group vice president of supply chain management

    Toyota supply chain management VP Pflughaupt retires, replaced by Keith Robertson


    Randy Pflughaupt is retiring as Toyota North America’s group vice president of supply chain management after 38 years at the company. He will be replaced by Keith Robertson.